John Wick 4 soundtrack: the club song is a comeback

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John Wick returned to theatres in 2023 with Chapter 4 of the franchise, and of course, it was a big thing for music lovers. Mainly because we all care about the franchise’s continuation: as you already know if you saw John Wick 4, the plot introduces some unexpected events, and a post-credit scene showing Akira with all intentions to pursue revenge. The movie gathered a relevant consensus, and the viewers enjoyed the soundtrack. One particular song caught everybody’s attention: the music you hear in the German club when John Wick fights against Killa. Let’s discover more about it.

You can watch the official trailer for John Wick Chapter 4 here on Youtube.

John Wick Chapter 4, the soundtrack: the song in the club scene

The techno song you hear in the German club when John Wick fights against Killa is Blood Code by Le Castle Vania. You can listen to it in full streaming below.

Le Castle Vania - Blood Code - Himmel und Hölle (From John Wick: Chapter 4)

Le Castle Vania is the moniker created by the American DJ Dylan Eiland. He’s a popular producer who’s been active since 2006; he’s not a new presence in John Wick’s franchise: he already contributed to the soundtrack of the first movie, with 4 original tracks (the most famous is LED Spirals). 

Le Castle Vania also gave birth to “the other” club scene song in the John Wick series: the one in John Wick 2, where you can even see himself as the DJ in the movie. You can watch the club scene in John Wick 2 with the DJ Le Castle Vania here on Youtube. The song, in that case, was John Wick Mode (you can find it here in full streaming).

Therefore, the new club scene in John Wick 4 pays homage to a modern EDM artist who already represents an important personality for the franchise music. And the song’s style confirms his talent in techno music oriented to a movie soundtrack. A talent that every good action movie needs.

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