Seven lifestyle changes no one ever told you were amazing

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With a few little tweaks, you can enjoy a stress-free life before you know it, provided you know where to look. To make sure you don’t lose sleep searching for the right tips and hacks, we’ve put 7 of the best together here for you to take a look at. Let’s dive right in and make a start…

1. Go keto with your diet and watch your body transform in the mirror

The keto diet is the secret to fast, healthy weight loss for so many people that there has to be some merit in it. Give it a try, opt for high-protein meals, and watch as you look and feel better than you ever have. Ready to get started?

2. Sleep early and wake early so you can beat the crowds

We all love to be in the heart of the action, but none of us like the energy slumps that come with it. Ending today early means you can be at your best tomorrow, beat the crowds, and cruise through your day without a worry in the world. Like the sound of that?

3. Avoid your phone in the first hour you’re awake to keep your mind at ease

Keeping your phone by your bed probably feels harmless, but it gives you a sudden spike of anxiety first thing in the morning. The urge to check and the fear of missing out combine with the sudden change in hormones that occurs when you wake up, leaving you more likely to get stressed in the morning. Keep it out of your eye line for an hour and you’ll never have this problem.

4. Make time for yourself by learning something new

Imagine if you took an evening a week and dedicated it to whatever you’re interested in. What would happen? You’d avoid burnout, stimulate new parts of the brain, and give yourself something to smile about for the rest of the week. It could be mastering juggling, deploying smart blackjack strategies, showing off a new language, or even trying something with your hands like knitting or woodwork. The choice is yours! 

5. Always plan one thing a day so you have something to look forward to

Booking a table for two, a spin class, or planning a hike on the weekend will each give you something to look forward to. Why does that matter? Because it acts as an anchor in your day you can hold onto when you’re stressed, tired, or stuck in work longer than you’d like to be.

6. Meal prep to take the stress out of healthy eating

Getting ahead in life is the best way to beat the stress, which is why meal prepping comes into its own three times a day. With less expense, waste, and mess to contend with, you’ll be able to fly through your healthy eating regime and make the whole process look easy. Just what you want to hear when it’s time to take the stress out of life the smart way.

7. Keep a mindful journal so you can work towards your best self

Open up a notebook and start writing down your thoughts and feelings. Journaling is a great habit to start at any age, and the longer you do it the more you will get out of it. Make time to write in your journal daily and the results will soon start to come.

Final thoughts

Do one a day for the next 7 days and you’ll be a new person next week! All you have to do now is make 5 minutes spare in your day and get things moving.