How Long Should You Walk Per Day?

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The fitness industry makes billions of dollars every year selling the idea of perfect health and beauty. Every new workout they sell is the “secret to a hot body,” and every fad diet they promote is coincidentally linked to a trending health concern. 

What do all these things have in common? They all vilify the one exercise that has been successfully keeping people healthy for thousands of years. Walking!

Why Walking Isn’t Promoted 

Outside of your doctor’s office, you’ll rarely hear “experts” talking about how good walking is for your body. This is because, unlike gym memberships, exercise equipment, and expensive coaches, walking is completely free. You can walk anytime, anywhere, for any duration. 

For millions of years, human beings have walked countless miles for necessities like food, water, and safety. However, with modern inventions like cars, planes, and food delivery systems, long-distance walking has become more of a luxury than a necessity.

Luckily, you don’t need to walk 10 miles a day to enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle. In fact, studies have shown that the average person only needs to walk for 30 minutes a day to start seeing improvement in their overall health. 

How Long Should You Walk Per Day? 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has found that a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise is enough to keep the average person healthy. While that might sound like a lot, it’s only 20 minutes per day. 

This is the minimum, of course. If you truly want to live a long and happy life, aiming for 10,000 steps per day is ideal. This may seem intimidating, but it’s worth noting that you might already be halfway there. The average person already walks between 3,000 and 4,000 steps per day while completing daily tasks. Making simple changes like taking the stairs at work and parking further away at the grocery store will help tremendously in bringing that number up to 10,000. 

The best way to track your daily steps is to download a walking app. If you are far below your goal of 10,000, don’t worry about reaching it in one day. Start small and add an extra thousand steps every day or so. Your joints will strengthen over time, and you’ll find reaching those 10,000 steps getting easier every day.  

Health Benefits of Walking 

There’s nothing wrong with lifting weights, swimming, running, or any other form of exercise that burns fat and raises your heart rate. However, walking is the ultimate exercise because it’s what our bodies were designed to do. The myriad of health benefits can be enjoyed without even really trying. They’re built into the activity itself. Just a few of the diseases walking prevents include: 

  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease

Walking raises your heart rate, which increases your endurance and blood circulation. This keeps inflammation down over time and can help drain your lymphatic system and keep weight down. 

All these physical benefits can lend themselves to a healthier mindset as well. A healthy heart, an efficient digestive system, and good blood circulation all lend themselves to decreased anxiety and depression over time. 

Walking Speed 

There’s no right or wrong way to walk. However, if you start experiencing pain, don’t be afraid to adjust to find the form that works best for you.

Some people like leisurely strolls, while others prefer to speed walk with intent. For fitness, speed walking is superior because it raises your heart rate and burns more fat. However, don’t push yourself beyond what you can comfortably handle. You shouldn’t be breathless at any point during your walk.

There are many ways to increase your fitness level while walking that aren’t too hard on your body. For instance, walking uphill and holding weights are great ways to make things more challenging. You can also increase your speed and/or distance over time to get to those 10,000 steps.

Correct Footwear

Walking is the most convenient and accessible exercise in the world. However, the wrong shoe can make walking both uncomfortable and even dangerous.

In a world of suburban sidewalks and concrete jungles, having a pair of functional sneakers is essential for preventing injury. Walking in flat shoes or even barefoot can flatten your arch over time and wear on your ankle, knee, and hip joints. If you’re walking on concrete at all, prioritize the health of your feet. After all, they’re the only pair you’ll ever have.

Add Some Variety to Your Walking Routine

While walking is easy and accessible, it can get boring over time if you take the same route at the same time every day. However, you can keep things interesting by changing how and where you walk.

For instance, picking a different park to explore every week is a great way to enjoy different views of the outdoors. If travel is difficult, or you would rather stay in your neighborhood, picking a different route can often give you the same benefits.

If you can, don’t hesitate to get nearby friends and family involved in your walks as well. It can be a great way to stay active while staying connected with your loved ones. If that doesn’t work, there are also many public and private walking associations that you can join and meet like-minded people.

You Can’t Go Wrong

All in all, there’s no reason to not fit a daily 20-minute walk into your day. If getting outside isn’t an option for you, you can even walk or march in place indoors. Either way, adding this habit to your life will drastically improve your physical and mental health over time. This, in turn, will give you more time with your family and fewer health issues as you age.

If you don’t know where to start, there’s no harm in counting your daily steps. Walking apps are a great way to give you control and mindfulness in your fitness journey. Download one today and take the first step on your fitness journey.