“You too”: the actors in the 2023 Geico airport commercial

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It came out with no significant preparation and no hype. At some point, we started watching it, and it seemed like a typical commercial like many others. Then, it started growing inside us. The dad at the airport security check answering “you too” to the employee who wished him to enjoy his flight. And suddenly, it’s panic. The Geico airport commercial is now one of the most beloved ads on American TV. Let’s see what happened and who the actors are.

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You can watch the 2023 Geico airport commercial at the end of this article.

“You too”: the actors in the 2023 Geico airport commercial

The 2023 Geico commercial is set at the security check at an airport, with a dad going through, the security guard wishing him to enjoy the flight, and him answering, “You too!” The short ad became viral after its release as one of the funniest commercials of the last few months.

The names of the actors in the 2023 Geico airport “you too” commercial have been disclosed recently by Geico Insurance. They are:

  • Darien Sills-Evans as Dad
  • Maya Goodwin as Mom
  • Calah Lane as Daughter
  • Ravi Kapoor as Other Dad
  • Jacob Zelonky as Patted Down Guy
  • Deanna Reed-Foster as Airport Employee
  • Don Fanelli as Airport Employee #2

Therefore, the protagonist is Darien Sills-Evans, interpreting the dad who cannot help answering “you too.” Darien Sills-Evans is an American actor, director, and writer. He has worked in various films, television shows, and theater productions. He is best known for Darien in Cosby and CSU Tech Foster in Third Watch.

Deanna Reed-Foster is the security guard who doesn’t ignore the dad’s “you too.” She worked in many recent movies and TV series; she’s probably most known for her role on NBC’s Chicago Fire. She also worked in recent series like The Chi and Shining Girls.

The Geico airport commercial is one of the most commented ads on social networks. The dad playing that embarrassing part was a success, up to the point that many users feel ashamed of him, after what he did. His panic is apparent, and of course, nobody does anything to move on. Up to the point that he’s forced to drive attention to something else: her wife has hairspray that is over the limit! The commercial tagline is immediate: Geico makes insurance as easy as saying the wrong thing.

Nothing more needs to be said. Except, maybe, wishing to see the dad again in a new commercial soon.

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