The McDonalds Grimace Shake commercial & the TikTok trend

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In the summer of 2023, Mcdonalds released a series of new ads celebrating the birthday of an old character created by the fast food chain in the 70s: Grimace, a purple creature that not everybody knows. For the occasion, a new Grimace Shake was introduced to the customers, and a commercial campaign pushed the new product. However, TikTok reacted weirdly with a dedicated viral trend: let’s discover what happened.

The McDonalds Grimace Shake commercial & the TikTok trend

The McDonalds commercial introducing the Grimace Shake was released in June 2023. You can find it below: in the ad, you see Grimace celebrating his birthday in a McDonalds, like he has always done. And you are also invited to the party: you can celebrate with Grimace by ordering the special Grimace shake, a purple drink with whipped cream that can make you fit the party properly.

Grimace was a character created by McDonalds in the 70s, and appearing recurrently in their commercials since then. Initially, he was a villain called Evil Grimace, who used to steal people’s shakes. However, the character gradually evolved into a cheerful, joyful creature who loves to share his time at MdDonalds with the others. In June 2023, Grimace has his 52nd birthday.

The Grimace Shake is a purple drink that tastes like berry-flavored cereal milk. Therefore, it’s a sweet, tasty drink that children love. However, the purple color must have inspired TikTok creators in some odd way: the social network gave birth to a strange viral trend a few days after the commercial was released. In this trend, we see many young people drinking the Grimace Shake and having some (fake) sick reactions like we all are inside a horror movie. You can have a look at some of the TikTok videos of this trend here. But be advised: some content is pretty disturbing.

McDonalds didn’t release an official comment about this trend, probably assessing that silence is better than everything else. Users are puzzled, though: why did the creators have to feed such a weird trend? We don’t have an honest answer, of course. Still, ultimately, it’s all about money: getting viral on TikTok can get you some revenue, and every opportunity deserves a chance nowadays. So if you live on the other side of the world and you are into gambling, you probably look for a different option (if you’re looking for the top paying casinos in the New Zealand, click here – you’ll thank us later). But suppose you are in the USA, and your passion is creating video content… well, in that case, riding the TikTok trend after the McDonalds Grimace Shake commercial may just be your best chance.

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