Explained: blackjack terms

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With the aim of reaching 21 before the dealer, without exceeding, Blackjack is one casino classic that’s been played through the many decades since it first entered the casino world.

Whether you prefer to play casino online Blackjack or in-person games within a land-based casino establishment, you may hear some unfamiliar Blackjack terms and phrases. Therefore, we’ve put together a glossary of a few terms and phrases you might hear when you next play Blackjack.

Are you ready to learn some terms to get you sounding like a Blackjack pro?


Not only is it the name of the game, but the term Blackjack is used to describe a player reaching a total of 21 with their two originally dealt cards.

Break / Bust

Both break and bust can be used to describe a hand that totals more than 21, resulting in a player instantly losing the bet.

Both a player and dealer can break or bust.

Capping a Bet

This phrase is used when a player secretly adds extra betting chips to their wager after the deal has begun.


This is what’s known when a deck is divided into two parts, and the bottom half is placed onto the top half after the entire deck had been shuffled.

Double Down

When a player decides to double their original bet and receive one more card to their hand, this is known as a double down.

Double for Less

When a player decides they want to double down, but with a wager less than twice the original bet, this is known as a double for less move.

Double or Nothing

This is the term given to a bet that pays out the amount of the original wager a player has put down.

Down Card

When the dealer deals the card to the player and themselves, one of their cards is faced down, whilst all the other cards dealt are faced up. The card that’s facedown is known as a down card.

First Base

This is the name given to the position on the Blackjack table that’s to the far left of the dealer. This position is also where the first player sitting at the table will be dealt cards.

Five Card Charlie

This is a phrase given to a hand that contains five cards, that wins the round without going bust/over 21.

Heads Up

If a player is the only player at a Blackjack table, this is known as a heads up.


When a player requires another card added to their hand they say “hit”, and the dealer will then issue them another card from the deck.

Hole Cards

This is what’s known as the facedown cards the player or dealer is issued with from the pack.


This is a term given to a two-card hand that’s worth 21 points and automatically wins the game.


A term that’s given to a hand of cards that totals at least 17 points, and the player wishes to add no further cards to their hand.