That catchy song in the 2024 Rooty Tooty commercial

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“Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity Extravaganza”: the 2024 commercial features an incredibly catchy jingle, reminding us of an old song.

We are not even in mid-January, and apparently, one of the catchiest ads of the year is already with us. It’s the “Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity” commercial: a simple, short video showing juicy images of pancakes made with their $7 combos, with a jingle already stuck in our heads for months to come.

The internet is already obsessed with the song lyrics:

Everyone come for the fresh ‘n fruity
Only at ihop rooty tooty
Mix ‘n match like little combo cutie
Happening now at the big extravagooty

You can easily navigate on Twitter, Reddit, or even under the comment in the Youtube video of the commercial, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who can’t do much about it: the song is stably present in our minds, and we often catch ourselves singing its lines when we are alone (if we are lucky).

Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity Extravaganza | IHOP

Of course, there are a lot of questions around it, and they probably won’t be answered: who’s the girl singing the jingle? Is it inspired by a famous song? We can safely assume it’s a jingle written dedicatedly for this commercial, commissioned by the marketing agency, and the singer would be someone who often works in the advertising world (hey, you, if you want to reveal your identity, knock at our door!).

Nevertheless, some people on the internet are pretty sure there is an old song that vaguely inspired the making of the 2024 Rooty Tooty commercial jingle: The Golden Age by The Astroids Galaxy Tour. You can listen to the song below.

The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - The Golden Age (Official Video)

There is an approximate similarity, true. Maybe whoever wrote the commercial jingle loved this Danish song released in 2009. We can’t know. And we probably won’t have more confirmations about it. What’s sure is that we will still be thinking about the song in the Rooty Tooty commercial for a long time. And who knows, maybe, between a “combo cutie” and an “extravagooty,” we’ll get some new insights about the song’s particulars. Any further information coming out about it, you’ll find it in this article, we promise.

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