10 Study Hacks to Help You Ace That Uni Exam

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The weeks leading to exams are usually made up of anxiety and sleepless nights, leaving you feeling run down most of the time. However, it doesn’t always have to be the case – here’s some of the research we’ve covered (because you’ve got enough on your plate already!) on how to breeze by next exam season – let’s get into it.

#1. Keep It Short – Think ‘Pomodoro’

Just like it’s important to discipline ourselves and manage our time to study, it’s equally important to be realistic. It’s pointless to aim for a 2-hour stretch of studying, if three quarters of the information you’re trying to cram into your brain just won’t get absorbed. So, the best thing to do is to stick to 25-minute time frames of studying with 5-minute intervals of breaks. Now if that’s to grab a quick coffee, browse through your socials or play at one of the best Australia online casinos offering hard-to-beat bonuses is entirely up to you. Just don’t overdo it, because if you lose track of time, that 5-minute break can easily turn into a good half hour of wasted time!

#2. Organise Your Study Space

Where you study is really important if you’re serious about getting things done, so you’re going to want to focus and locate the perfect spot. If you’re home, you’re going to want to find a space that’s free from distractions for example. You’re also going to want to keep that area tidy because clutter could lead to extra anxiety, and that’s the last thing you need right now. There’s no need to Marie Kondo the entire house right now either, just pick a corner and stick to that.

#3. Create Visuals

Flow charts, diagrams, mind maps and other visual aids could really come in handy next time you’re revising. At the beginning of each chapter, write what you already know about the topic and highlight the areas you felt you struggled with. Closer to the exam you’ll be able to fully condense these notes into one-page visuals. Putting your ideas down in this way will allow you to memorise the diagram to use as a quick reference should that topic appear on the final paper.

#4. Take Past Tests

One of the most effective ways of revising is taking a bunch of older versions of the test to find out where you stand realistically. This will help you get familiar with the way things are worded in exams, and what sort of questions tend to crop up. You’ll also be able to time yourself to figure out if you’re able to finish on time. Given that you haven’t written anything this long without a keyboard in a while, you’d be surprised by the benefits associated with writing things by hand.

<#5. Partner Up

Teaming up with a study buddy or a group of friends could be incredibly useful if managed correctly. This will allow you to ask or answer any questions you or others may have, which is one of the most natural forms of revising, as well as allowing you to really break down a topic in order to explain it to someone else in a simple and efficient manner with the goal of having everyone in the group fully understand each topic.

#6. Be Smart with Time

Some of us are early birds while others are night owls, and being aware of your peak performance potential during the day is important when studying for exams. You’re going to notice that there’s a specific time during the day where your mind tends to drift, so those times should be avoided. It’s also never a good idea to push yourself persistently whenever you’re dead tired – if that’s the case you’re better off getting a good night’s rest and starting afresh in the morning.

#7. Feed Your Mind

If diving into a huge bag of crisps while frantically typing at your keyboard seems like a good idea at this point in your study session, we assure you it’s not. Whether you feel like a snack, or you’ve skipped lunch and you’re in no mood to cook, this doesn’t mean you should intentionally deplete your energy levels with the wrong fuel. Stock up on brain foods such as yoghurt, nuts, berries, leafy greens, fish and dark chocolate to give your body that extra boost during these rougher times. And as always, don’t forget to keep hydrated, and by that we mean water not lattes of course!

#8. Crack Out the Colours

Thousands of lines made up of black and white writing aren’t exactly what is going to create a mental image in your mind. Colour coding has been proven to make a huge difference when it comes to stimulating your brain into remembering the smaller snippets that really matter. Either that, or you’ve just given your notes a rainbow makeover they may or may not have needed. A good method here is to pick a different colour for each topic for example pink for definitions, green for statistics, orange for dates and events, and so on.

#9. Define Your Goals

Setting realistic goals and determining the amount of time required to achieve them is a sure way to succeed. For this you’re going to want to jot down all your steps into some type of planner, giving yourself mini goals for each study session, and larger ones over the course of a couple of days for example. For instance, every time you feel like you’ve covered a topic, find out if you’re able to explain it to someone in an effective manner before you’re able to add a tick in that box and move onto the next chapter.

#10. Plan Your Game Day

Don’t leave important things to the day before your exam, because if there was ever a chance for things to go wrong last minute, rest assured that they’ll happen on that day. Figure out where your exam is going to be held and whether you’re required to bring in any extra materials days in advance. Read through all the rules and requirements, plan your travel route and include some extra time for traffic or random life moments. You’re going to want to get there in full Zen mode, so being strategic with your planning is crucial. Get there early and take time to breathe, you’ve got this.

Author’s Bio:

Hi there, I’m Sharon Kingsby, the Editor-in-Chief for a leading affiliate marketing company. Ever since I graduated from university, I’ve  been involved in online journalism, content writing and editing. I thoroughly enjoy this line of work because it’s very dynamic and immediate, where I’m challenged and kept on my toes on a daily basis. To me, content has been and always will be king.  As a leading editor, my number one mission is to ensure the site’s ongoing quality, which is why I strive to publish nothing but the freshest and most unique content possible.