Is it still beneficial for couples to get married?

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The marriage rate in the United States has declined for years, and it’s not just because people are waiting longer to get married. More than half of first marriages end in divorce, according to statistics from the American Psychological Association. So is it still beneficial for couples to get married?

The decision about marriage seems to be especially important for men with traditional views. As women in the US become more independent, it may be difficult to find one that would want to live a more traditional lifestyle. It’s no wonder that American men often look for women of other nationalities, such as Russian women for marriage. If you’re thinking about it, too, check out, where you can find many interesting women.

If your relationship has come to the question of marriage, here are some things that are important to take into account.

Living Together Without Marriage

More and more couples are shacking up instead of getting married. This is especially true among millennials, who were raised to be independent and financially self-sufficient. Modern views on marriage are quite different from the traditional ones: marriage is no longer considered a necessity to happily live together, and it’s not uncommon for people to spend years or decades unmarried without feeling like they’re missing out on something.

Couples who choose to live together without being married also tend to believe that unmarried life has benefits beyond just financial ones: they can still make all their own decisions (and mistakes); they don’t have any legal restrictions on what happens if one partner wants out; and they can feel more freedom without the official commitment between them.

Millennials are more likely to be in long-term relationships without a wedding than previous generations. The average age at which Americans marry has risen steadily over the past several decades, with people in their late 20s now waiting longer than ever before they tie the knot. It’s not just Millennials, though; people over 40 are also finding themselves in long-term committed relationships without the benefit of a marriage license.

It’s difficult to tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. People are more able than ever before to make choices that are right for them, and the traditional idea of marriage has changed dramatically over time. On one hand, it’s great that we can all choose how we want to define our relationships and how we express them. But on the other hand, it could mean that some traditions related to marriage and wedding ceremonies may just disappear altogether as they become less important in today’s society.

Benefits That Come with Marriage

In the United States, there are legal benefits that come with marriage that you don’t get if you’re just living together. For example, if one partner is hospitalized or injured in an accident and unable to communicate with doctors, the other partner can make medical decisions for him or her. If one partner dies and leaves behind children under 18 years old, legal custody of those children goes automatically to their surviving parent or guardian.

Married couples typically have more rights when it comes to inheritance than their unmarried counterparts. In some states, they can claim property tax breaks not available to singles. Plus, they might qualify for special Medicaid assistance if a spouse becomes disabled or sickly enough to require long-term care—which means less out-of-pocket expense for everyone involved!

And while it’s true that a prenuptial agreement can supersede some legal benefits (as well as prevent many problems from happening at all), many couples would rather have peace of mind than risk losing all access should things go wrong.

Disadvantages of Marriage

There are, of course, disadvantages to marriage as well. If you’re the type who likes to keep your options open, then marrying someone could be a bad idea. Marriage can also be an emotional burden—especially if you get married and then divorced. You should think about these things before deciding to tie yourself down for good.

Moreover, maybe you can’t put a price on love, but you can put a price on pretty much everything else that comes with a wedding, from invitations to the honeymoon getaway. Consider how much you’re spending on your wedding. From engagement rings to guest invitations, the numbers can go as high as $30,000! Plus, it takes a lot of time and effort to organize the ceremony.

However, if this is overwhelming for your budget, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to go for couples who want a traditional ceremony but aren’t quite sure they can swing it financially. You could get engaged without buying an engagement ring yet, or have a small ceremony at home with friends and family instead of going all out with a large venue and a hundred guests.


While it may be true that marriage has lost some of its value, many couples still want to get married. In fact, there are plenty of benefits associated with marriage. So take your time to consider all these aspects before making such an important decision.