The 2024 Target commercial with Kristen Wiig: what’s the song?

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The new Target commercial released in 2024 features the famous “Target Lady” interpreted by Kristen Wiig: let’s discover the background song.

Target has decided to conquer the advertisement season this spring: the new commercial landed on TV in April and features an unforgettable character from the history of American comedy, the hilarious Target Lady interpreted by Kristen Wiig during her years on Saturday Night Live.

In the new commercial, the Target Lady wakes up full of enthusiasm, wearing her beloved red gilet and entering a hole that probably teleports her directly to the store. You can watch the full commercial here on The focus is on clients belonging to the Target Circle program: the Target Circle Week is active on April 7-13, with exclusive deals on all items you typically need when spring starts.

Unfortunately, Kristen Wiig and her Target Lady won’t be physically present at the cash register. However, if you miss her historical performances, you can watch one of her most famous sketches below, from SNL’s official Youtube channel.

Target Lady: Meets Her First Lesbian - SNL

The ad works so much also because of the catchy music in the background: the song featured in the Target commercial with Kristen Wiig is Baby I’m a Star by Prince, you can listen to it in full streaming below.

Baby I'm a Star

Baby, I’m a Star is from Purple Rain, the famous album that contains the soundtrack of the 1984 movie. An upbeat song that has been covered multiple times over the years: legend has it that Tim Burton wanted that song in his movie Batman for Joker’s famous parade scene, but Prince insisted on using Trust, a song he dedicatedly wrote for the film. The final result is the one you remember, you can find it here.

The song provides the right energy for the Target Lady: the day has started, and she’s “ready to rock” for the Target Circle Week. And if you need more ads showing her at work and presenting the deals, well, you only need some patience.

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