The Role of Literature in Shaping College Curriculum

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People have the misconception that reading poetry and short tales, as well as going into the worlds of fantasy, mystery, and thrillers, is the only way to experience literature. This notion is not entirely false, though. Despite this, there is a great deal more to literature than the majority of us realize.

As a student, literature not only helps you improve your command of spoken language. But it also enables you to improve your writing abilities, stimulate your intellectual curiosity, enhance your memory, and encourage critical thinking. All of these are vital talents in education. Literature has a formative effect on the students’ thinking and perception. Students can get essays or cheap paper by StudyMoose writers covering issues of literature in education. These free examples provide deep insight into how the study of literature contributes significantly to the formation of college curricula. Stay on this resource to learn more on this subject.

Overview of Literature

Reading and analyzing literature provides students of all ages with the opportunity to strengthen their critical thinking skills. It allows them to examine various subjects from various theoretical viewpoints. This is why schools seldom fail to develop a curriculum around literary studies. With the inclusion of literature, students develop an understanding of a diverse range of cultures. They gain knowledge about various historical occurrences thanks to the books they read. The study of Literature will, in essence, assist students in understanding different situations from a range of points of view. Thus, assisting them in becoming more open-minded and compassionate individuals.

Literature enables a student to have a more in-depth understanding of the surrounding world, in addition to expanding their horizons. Schools consider literary studies vital as it teaches how to conduct research, construct an argument and gather evidence to support it. Through it, they learn how to write cohesively, helping them to improve their grammar and spell for good grades. The practice of writing essays regularly helps with general communication skills. Students who do so may find that they are more at ease participating in classroom debates and courses.

The Importance of Literature in Curriculum Development

When examining the ways literature has evolved, you can discern the different functions that literature serves. The following are some of the most important roles that literature plays in curriculum development:

1.    Literature is a tool for acquiring New Information

Reading about a topic is the most efficient technique to learn about the subject. Literature contains all the information that students require. Therefore, whether they read a book or surf the internet, they will find relevant information for a research paper. No matter what students choose to educate themselves on, they can rest assured that many people have already written about it. Thus, providing them with a plethora of knowledge from which to study.

2.    Literature teaches History and Culture

Every book is a product of the time and location it was written. This is regardless of when or where the events described in the book occur. Reading books provides a student with the opportunity to increase their knowledge of different eras and cultures worldwide. Many authors have utilized their works to make social commentary on the world we live in today. This historical perspective may pique your interest in further study within that period. Hence, the never-ending cultural insights.

3.    It helps appreciate Diverse Perspectives

Reading literature can help one recognize and appreciate the viewpoints of others. There are a significant number of tales that carry a profound moral lesson, typically conveying different ideas. With the help of literature in the classroom students can make efforts to see things from the perspectives of all of the characters. They understand from other perspectives, even those with whom they disagree. Literature lights up the ability to comprehend other people’s perspectives, regardless of whether or not they align with our own. When given group assignments, students will be able to draw conclusions from the opinion of others. In return, this can elicit good teacher comments for students’ writing.

4.    Engages One’s Intellectual Curiosity

As a student, you can expand your thinking to include new thoughts and possibilities. When studying literature, you determine the meaning, intent, and message that the author intends to convey. The more one reads the more knowledge they get. It strengthens the capacity for critical thinking, which enables students to formulate inquiries concerning life. As a student, focusing on words and plot lines will keep your brain stimulated and active. When you analyze themes, understand messages, and learn new terms, your thinking will be expanded. Consequently, students acquire an understanding of all the information that they are expected to digest. When grading college papers, teachers can commend literature’s impact on academics.

5.    Literature reflects the world

Literature has the power to transport us to whole other realms and open the door to an infinite number of fascinating possibilities. On the other hand, fantasy are examples frequently employed to make commentary on real life in written works. This provides students with a more accurate understanding of themselves and the environment that surrounds them

6.    It Challenges Students’ Imaginations

Literature challenges students to think creatively and reach parts of their imagination that they may not have imagined. They will be encouraged to develop new ideas and engage in creative conclusions. There is a greater possibility for students to advance into a profession that uses these skills. Employers in every industry are actively looking for people with creative minds. Hence, the school, through building a curriculum around literature, will help students develop the needed skills.


Literacy skills put students in a better position to do well academically, raising them and equipping them for the life ahead. This is the primary reason why schools build their curriculum around literature. If you are a student reading this now, you have improved your mental capacity and know how important literature is. You now have a deeper comprehension of the merits of literature and the factors that contribute to its significance in your education.