TOP 10 tips to promote twitter account and get new active followers

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Today, the social media network Twitter is very popular among people of all generations. The platform has an active user base of 229 million in the first quarter of 2022. This was significantly up from the 217 million reported in the last quarter of 2021. 

Twitter is an ideal platform for microblogging, where users create mini-articles of up to 280 characters. About 6000 tweets are sent every second of the day. That is roughly 500 million a day. How do you promote your Twitter brand and get new active followers in this flux of content? Here are ten of the top tips for you.

1. Spend Some Advertising Budget

First, consider whether you have any budget to advertise. If you can advertise, you might benefit from a quick boost to your active following numbers and provide your profile with more real and active engagements. 

Numerous places are available to advertise, with some suggestions being other social networks, Google, and websites. Another option for you is to buy 100 Twitter followers from The biggest advantage here is that you get a certain number of organic fans very quickly and at an affordable price. 

2. Tweet Often

Tweets have an average lifespan of about 10 minutes. That is enough time for 3.6 million more tweets to be sent out. Therefore, it is not surprising that tweets can get lost after just a short time. Unless you already have a large following, it is unlikely any tweets will stay in the public domain for much longer. 

That is why you must publish often. Use an online scheduling tool to publish tweets out on a premade schedule. Or do what is known as Twitter Blasts, when you sit down for two five-minute sessions per day and publish several tweets in that time (about four per session). You might get time, depending on your availability to do three Twitter blasts per day. But this is up to you.

3. Add Images, Photos and Video

Media is essential to get additional attention to content. Images, notably those taken by a professional, draw in the eye, especially a photograph with yellow or black. Research has shown that these two colors outperform others. 

Interestingly, red has poor returns on Twitter. You might also want to consider using video content. Upload videos to YouTube and then connect these to tweets to improve exposure and views to both Twitter and YouTube. Also, try using videos from other networks like Instagram.

4. Tweeting Live Events

Live-tweeting events is a perfect way to get more attention. Find relevant events or attractions, something like the premier of a television show, political or sporting event. Have some fun with this and show your personality. 

People will enjoy your live-tweeting events and will join in. Use the hashtags associated with the event. These hashtags will be easy to discover and will start to trend on the platform. You might also find that your tweets will get higher levels of engagement as a result.

5. Hashtags

How To Use Hashtags On Twitter

Some limits are concrete on the platform. For instance, you can only send about 1000 messages daily and a maximum of 2,500 tweets. However, some limits aren’t set. One of these is the number of hashtags you should use on any tweet. Twitter allows an unlimited number of tags on any tweet, but research has shown that too many can reduce tweet effectiveness. 

For example, when there are more than two hashtags on any tweet, engagement levels drop by 17%. Stick to just one/two hashtags for each tweet. You can always release four tweets, each being unique and having completely different hashtags connected to them.

Where to start from with those tags? You may get inspiration from these most popular hashtags in 2022:

  • #competition
  • #influencer
  • #influencermarketing
  • #fridayfeeling
  • #MondayMotivation
  • #tbt
  • #traveltuesday

Also, it would be a good idea to create your own personalized tags or use funny ones (if it’s relevant to your content, of course). 

6. Mention other Brands

When you have something relevant that another brand should pay attention to, you should mention them. For instance, if you’ve had another brand visit your office, mention them in a tweet. Their social media team will see this on their feed and might share your tweet or reply. 

Likewise, the other brand’s followers might see your message and share this with their friends or follow you directly. Connecting with other brands is one of the most influential ways to grow your brand on Twitter. If you receive a mention in any local or national media, you should showcase this using the mention feature.

7. Giveaways

Twitter is a promising place to launch a giveaway or competition. There are numerous ways that contestants can enter, but one should be to follow you. You could also use the chance of an entry to get shares of your account with the friends and family of your followers. 

This can be done across Twitter, Facebook, or other networks. You will then reach an even larger market and your competition might even go viral, this will attract more potential followers. Giveaways can cost very little, with just a product sample or a $10 gift voucher.

8. Sponsored Tweets

Another tactic is to contact influencers. Get these individuals to tweet about your service, product, or brand. This strategy can help you grow your brand through their network. You might need to give them a product sample or some money to get featured. 

Some of the top influencer marketing campaigns have yielded thousands, if not millions, of dollars worth of sales and numerous more followers. So it is always worth a try. You don’t have to go for a big influencer either. You could try reaching out and contacting influencers with moderate followings.

9. Get Involved in Networking Events

Twitter has numerous networking events where brands with a certain connection will get together to share content and talk. These networking events are often known as power hours and are good at getting a good reputation. 

You will need to include particular hashtags to get involved. Each one will have its own rules, but they can be worth an hour as you might not just find some followers but also partners or customers. There are websites where you can discover the time of these power hours. If you don’t have a power hour for your local community, you might want to create one for yourself.

10. Be Controversial

Another option that you might want to try is being controversial. This is a riskier option than you might want to think. After all, some brands have tried this and failed. Other brands have tried being controversial and have become a big success. It is about being controversial enough to grab attention but not so controversial that you annoy your audience. 

Some of the brands that do well at this include Netflix and Wendy’s, which are both great at dealing with controversial issues. And it doesn’t have to be in conversations you start either. You can reply to comments about you or your brand with wit and humor that can make anyone laugh and improve your brand. Just look at how a small rural museum in the UK (The Museum of English Rural Life) has built a strong following with its humorous images.

Wrapping Up So, now you know at least 10 great tips that will help you boost your account. However, there is always something more to discover. A work on your social media should never stop; only in this way, you can keep your engagement on a desired level. Good luck!