The new VR applications you’ve probably ignored

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First and foremost, virtual reality is a program whose goal is to create a 3D image similar to how we perceive the real world with our eyes. So far, we’ve learned everything we know about our reality through our senses. Thus, our entire experience of reality is a fusion of sensory data and our brains’ mechanics for comprehending that data.

Because of this, Our perceived reality will change in response to the data fed to our senses. This means that our minds can be presented with a version of reality that isn’t real but appears to be so. This is essentially what Virtual Reality refers to. The fact that the user can control the viewpoint by moving their head, just like in real life, is a distinguishing feature of VR. This is why touch controllers are required for some VR applications that allow interaction through hand movements.

Virtual reality technology allows users to create virtual experiences to replicate real-life scenarios. You can also develop a virtual world with non-realistic elements, such as in games that enable risk-free participation. For instance, only a few know that VR applications are being incorporated into live casinos. Virtual reality makes live casinos a lot more interesting. It also gives gamblers a higher chance of winning, as maximum efficiency is guaranteed.

In this article, we will be discussing rare applications/uses of VR that most users are not aware of or have overlooked. However, before we go into that, let’s discuss briefly how VR works.

How Does Virtual Reality Work?

The cost of enacting this situation in real life is prohibitive compared to the expected return on investment. However, with the help of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, the overall cost of enacting these situations can be reduced long-term.

These technologies can be applied for various purposes, including employee training, product trials, location inspections, project trials, and a host of others.

Rare Applications and Uses of Virtual Reality

  • Virtual Reality in Architecture

Virtual reality apps have given architects an advantage in presenting their ideas and plans to their clients on a 1:1 scale, allowing clients to experiment with the project before creating plans or beginning construction.

Virtual reality applications will benefit residential buildings, commercial buildings, and any other construction project because they will allow projects to be seen in a virtual setting to interpret every aspect of the project, such as safety precautions or reduction of discrepancies from the finalized design.

The technology is also being used to improve interior design, allowing clients to virtually walk through several interiors to aid decision-making rather than relying on standard design drawings.

  • Virtual Reality in Medical Education

Due to its interactive nature, VR is also being used by medical and dental students to practice surgeries in a safe and controlled environment, reducing the chance of harm to patients. Thus, Virtual patients help trainers develop skills that they can later apply in the real world.

Besides helping improve the quality of medical education, VR technology can also reduce the cost of medical education long-term.

  • Virtual Reality in Marketing

Marketing is a process that involves continuous improvement to sharpen and improve interaction strategies to convince customers. Traditional methods are gradually being phased out as virtual reality emerges as the next trend.

Because customized VR approaches help improve marketing performance, many content creation companies turn to technology to enhance their audience’s engagement with their content.

  • Virtual Reality in the Fashion Industry

One element of virtual reality’s application that has received far less attention is its use in the fashion industry. Virtual replicas of store environments, for example, can be a very effective way for merchants to practice building their signage and product displays without having to commit to the actual build.

Similarly, adequate time and resources can be allocated to establishing a retail layout. Tommy Hilfiger, Coach, and Gap are just a few of the well-known businesses that have begun to incorporate virtual reality into their operations.

These companies are using virtual reality to provide customers a 360-degree view of fashion events and allow them to try on garments virtually.


The applications enumerated above are rare, and they represent how Virtual Reality is used. Just like other technology, VR has an infinite and faultless capacity.

In addition to these uses, technology is being used in industries such as cinema and entertainment, health and safety, research, heritage and archaeology, fine arts, marketing, and others. However, it’s yet unclear how this technology will impact numerous businesses worldwide in the future.