Intriguing tip jars from around the world

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Tip jars are the sole domain of most bar establishments. The management doesn’t have to suspend your services or anything. If you are a bartender, make sure that you show up and are doing your best in providing the best services. 

If you are in the hospitality industry, a tip jar can increase productivity, help maintain customer service, and most importantly, get you geared up for your next charity program.

What Are Tip Jars? 

A tip jar is just as the name suggests – a strategically placed jar or container in a business establishment where customers place their tips or gratuity. Besides serving as a tipping point, tip jars are commonly used to collect charity from customers in support of a certain cause. 

From local shops to bars, stores, restaurants, and offices, pretty much anyone can use them as long as they run a brick-and-mortar business. So, how do you go about introducing tip jars in your establishment? 

It depends since the tipping culture is different in different countries.

Using Tip Jars: Getting Started 

Getting started on receiving tips can simply mean re-editing your profile. If you have a charity program running, there are lots of jar tip ideas for all tastes online. If you care to look, some of these might just help with your cause. Below are ways to skip asking your folks for contributions:

  • Giving your daily customers raffles that they cannot refuse
  • Free beers to the highest paying customers
  • Consider free treats that might include snacks
  • Casting votes

Some Tip Jar Examples From Different Countries 

1. The Fish Bowl Tip Jar

It’s up to you to make the fish sink or float on your money. With parfait layers and those cute big eyes, the fish will be a tempting factor to make you donate more. This is an American tipping jar with signage written ‘save me, I can’t swim’, you’ll be digging deeper into your wallet with reasons to keep the fish afloat.

2. Fun Pun Tipping Jars

Most people are all about a good giggle, and China happens to have some of the best tipping jar jokes. Tip jars with fun puns are a great idea to get people motivated to donate for whatever cause. A catchy and familiar phrase such as ‘afraid of change, leave it here’, ‘see how it feels when you put the tip here‘, or ‘even the titanic tipped’ are some great jar marking ideas you might want to try.

3. Tip Jars with Some Class

If you are in the Netherlands and in an area of work that demands some professionalism, there are tip jars that might work well for you. Imagine a teacher with a tip jar, a bank teller, or a dentist raising funds to organize an oral health drive?

For such, consider a tip jar that will be appealing, and while at it, keep the signage minimal. A small label can be all that it takes to get people to give.

Additional Tips

Come Up With a Tipping Jar Theme

Text-written tipping jars are just about the best themes that you can be obvious about. They can help encourage drinkers to get started on donating as well as help increase your sales. Inspirational designs, graphics, and illustration designs on the tip jar can help rake in some money.

The Jar Appearance

Your bar patrons can be skeptical when it comes to tipping. The appearance of the tip jar can deter any willing giver or provoke them to give willingly to your cause. Keeping the restaurant or bar tip jar primed can keep your customers trickling in and wanting more.

Consider an Electronic Tipping System

There exist electronic tipping systems that can be integrated into your QRS (Quick Response System). Your clients will not mind trying out a new business idea that might work toward the greater good. 

If you believe that this is too much of a greater suggestion, then consider this:

  • A QRS tipping system is an effortless paying system
  • You’ll be provided with a hands-free mode depending on the app you decide on
  • There are no admins involved
  • You can earn more money
  • You’ll have safe and secure payment options

Do It Legally

If you are implementing a tipping system in your establishment, then it’s important that you do it legally. Subjecting your business to legal liabilities will not be a welcomed move.

It’s not a mandatory obligation for customers to give tips. This is just a gesture of good faith depending on how you treat your clients.

If you are looking to ensure that the tips keep flowing, then your entire team should be in the loop. Acknowledging the fact that you don’t have it all figured out might help. Ideally, you have the above tips to help you utilize tip jars for whichever reason or purpose you deem fit.